I believe with all my heart that he means every word. Its like he can read my mind. He knows all of my secrets, and he embraces every part. The good, the bad & the ugly. We have been living together since the end of December. We were planning on getting an apartment together in a few months but the shit hit the fan, literally. We did some pretty stupid things that we shouldn't have but we sure the hell enjoyed ourselves. We couldn't keep our hands off each other and had involved a 3rd party who we trusted completely and she turned on us. When I think back on it we should have been fired. All of us! We once locked ourselves in a men's bathroom right next to the cafeteria during breakfast and fucked on the counter. It was so intense… I was wearing a black pencil skirt, white button up white shirt, black vest and 5 inch stiletto's and no panties. I was standing 6 ft tall, I had dark red hair, blue eyes, 160 lbs. He knew that there was a 50/50 shot that I didn't have panties on, and I could see it on his face that he was curious. He went into the bathroom and I went in after him............
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1etienexSaturday 10th August 2013 at 00:22Follow this article's comments RSS feed
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